The Gaardian Map Archives
Tournament Camps

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The tournament arena

The tournament arena

The arena of champions

The tournament arena

The tournament arena

Observation stands

Observation stands

Observation stands

Before the tournament arena

The Champions' Quarters

A narrow hallway

Tarob's room

Above the fortress tower

Flying amongst the clouds

A tiny landing

On a fortress tower

High above the village

A small underwater cave

An underground lake

An underground lake

The servant quarters

Deep Crypt

Flying over the central square

A hidden cave

An underground lake

At the mouth of a large underwater cave

At the fortress gates

Inside a large underwater cave

Inside a large underwater cave

Inside a large underwater cave

A stone path to the fortress

A camouflaged hut

The fields

The fields

A dusty path into the fields

Central square

A small bridge

A small path around the forest

A small path around the forest

A small clear spot among the bushes

The fields

The fields

A large tent

A stone path

A huge tent

In the forest

A small glade

The Smithy

In the forest

In the forest

A small path around the forest

A path among the rocks

A narrow stone path

A steep climb

A small path around the forest

A secluded grove

At the river

A small bridge over the river

To The Continent of Mesolar

Script ran in 0.12965607643127 seconds.


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